Dr. Erica: What is considered an integrative health service? Tune in to find out. My name is Dr. Erica Steele. I’m a holistic doctor and family practice. I hold six degrees in my field, and they’re all in the natural healthcare space. So what’s this? Integrative healthcare services, what’s a practice like? What does that look like?
We deal. So many different aspects of the human being help to optimize the human being. We wanna optimize their physical health, their nutritional health, their emotional health, and their mental health. And then, even in holistic medicine, we go a step further when dealing with the human being.
We look at physicals, so that’s lab testing that we would run, that’s doing nutritional physicals on the patient. That’s offering them supplementation. When we’re looking nutritionally, we’re looking at their diet. Are their macros balanced? Do they need to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain weight? Do they need to build muscle?
What essential nutrients does their body need? How many Macs. Macros of each, or excuse me, grams of each macro. Do they need mental? Do they have to limit beliefs surrounding their health that are holding them back emotionally? We incorporate various mind-body techniques to help release any emotional blocks or wounds they may have.
In integrative health, they incorporate, we tend to include all aspects of healthcare, so nothing is off the table. So I may examine a patient and go, this person needs X, Y, and Z, and then I will refer them accordingly. Or I’ll look at this patient and go, okay, X, Y, and Z, I need to educate this patient about their diet.
Give them emotional coping mechanisms, and help them clear out any limiting beliefs or old beliefs that they may have that can affect them in all areas of their life. So when we’re looking at a person, we’re looking at an individual as a whole person and addressing that person I love.
Integrative healthcare. However, I love holistic healthcare even more, and we’ll talk about that in a later video because holistic medicine takes it even a step further, more into the energetic realm, dealing with the spiritual resonance of the person. Meaning that we’re teaching people how to live like.
Every single day and being in communion with their higher self. We also look at ancestral components, ancestral RO wounds, trauma, and even genetics and methyl genetics and how that plays a role in that person’s health. So integrative health integrates allopathic practices along with more holistic approaches.
I’m not an allopathic provider. However, I have enough integrative health training. I’m certified in integrative. And I have enough integrative health training to know when I’m speaking to a patient, when I need to bring in, let’s say, an allopathic doctor to be able to help. Because as a naturopath, I’m a board-certified naturopathic doctor.
We do not diagnose and treat and manage the disease. That is not our role. Our role in healthcare is educating, coaching, and holding the patient accountable. Action and empowerment over their health. Our part is to inspire, motivate, and encourage that patient to live a natural, healthy lifestyle. So we spend a lot more time with our patients.
We can really get to the root causes. We are more of that medical detective in healthcare to understand how the fire started, different from our allopathic counterparts, which is their role as a firefighter. Put the fires out and then keep them out. We work together integrative, whereas they put the fires out, and then we come back and figure out how the fire started.
So that’s just some of the ideas of integrative health services. If you have any further questions about what constitutes integrative health, there are many different things, from reiki to massage to yoga to Tai chi. So many different modalities out there. So I don’t wanna keep a short list because it’s so long; there are so many other modalities to choose from.
It depends on the person and what the person needs. My name is Dr. Erica Steele. I founded Holistic Family Practice, and we help families live naturally. If you’ve liked this video, please subscribe, share, and comment below your questions.