The Disrespect of Black Holistic Doctors: Protecting Afroindigenous Practices and Demanding Change

As a Black holistic doctor who works to protect and honor Afroindigenous practices and natural healthcare, I face a unique intersection of racism, disrespect, and systemic bias. Not only am I questioned because of the color of my skin, but also because I choose to practice medicine that is rooted in ancestral knowledge and natural healing. This combination creates a double layer of disrespect—one rooted in race and the other in my holistic approach to healthcare.

Here’s the reality we face:

• Black holistic doctors are often marginalized and disrespected, not just for our race, but for choosing to practice natural medicine that has been passed down through generations in Afroindigenous communities.

• Our credentials and expertise are questioned because our approach goes beyond conventional medicine. Yet, these practices have healed our communities for centuries, long before modern healthcare systems existed.

• Afroindigenous knowledge and natural healing are seen as “alternative” or “lesser,” despite their profound history and effectiveness. This is part of the larger systemic racism embedded within the healthcare industry, which disregards the value of our ancestral traditions.

We cannot continue to let this happen:

• Holistic medicine and Afroindigenous practices deserve respect. They are not a “lesser” form of care, and the doctors who practice them, especially Black doctors, should be treated with the same respect as any other medical professional.

• We need to dismantle the biases that exist against holistic doctors who prioritize natural, culturally rooted methods of healing.

• The future of healthcare must include diverse approaches, including those rooted in ancestral wisdom, and doctors who protect these practices should be uplifted, not disrespected.

This intersection of being a Black holistic doctor working to protect Afroindigenous practices is a space of great responsibility. We not only care for the health of our patients but also carry the legacy of our ancestors. The disrespect must stop. It’s time to honor both the doctors and the traditions that continue to serve our communities.

Healthcare needs to change—not just for Black doctors, but for all who practice medicine rooted in cultural wisdom and natural healing. Respect is not a privilege; it is a right.

#RespectBlackHolisticDoctors #AfroindigenousHealing #ProtectNaturalHealthcare #EndRacismInHealthcare #HolisticMedicineMatters #HonorAncestralWisdom #DiversityInMedicine #CulturalHealing #HealthcareEquity #UpliftHolisticPractices

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