In this day in age, we are running all the time. We are running to keep up with our jobs, running to keep up with our families, running to keep up with our commitments, obligations, and the like. We are often losing ourselves in our work, and our various life commitments. We neglect sleep for business, replace work for fun, and are often fearful that we are not good enough in that we will not live up to the various expectations to which we place on ourselves. It is not a wonder that autoimmune diseases are a growing phenomenon as we place ourselves in many situations to which we feel judged, criticized, unloved, underappreciated and frustrated. Taking handfuls of medications to treat various conditions may be helpful for some, yet a vast majority of people do not enjoy the numerous doctor’s visits, synthetic substances, and a fist full of pill regimens unnatural or otherwise.
Naturally healing an autoimmune disease takes time and patience. The same veracity that one has used to “do” their life is not the same as to which has allowed a person to arrive at this point in their health. Perhaps look at this as a way the body uses to slow you down a bit and pay attention. It knows that if you continue to run at much speed it will not be able to perform and the signs are looming for years before they stop you in your tracks. The lungs show signs of respiratory distress, the digestive tract spins in knots, the brain becomes forgetful, the thyroid develops imbalances, the muscles and bones ache, while the skin may breakout almost in defiance. The body shows signs of aging and wear and tear to the point you can no longer defend it and shrug it off as old age. 50 is not old by the way, and neither is 70. Quality of life depends on how well you take care of yourself based on the food you eat (or don’t eat) the amount of water you drink, the exercise you participate in, the stress management techniques you may use (and denial is not one of them). Life truly is a collection of adventures strung together piece by piece. Naturally healing and taking back your health is no different.
With any new adventure, there is a starting place and a beginning point. Sometimes that is when my office receives a phone call and schedules an appointment at the pain of staying the same has become greater than the pain of discovery. They say that if you do what you have always done you are going to get what you have always gotten and healing from an autoimmune condition is no different. Self-blame, shaming, anger, and hostility towards self and others will not get you out of this place you may find yourself in right now. Eating junk food, and skipping sleep will also not get you out. Drinking water yet loading up on alcohol will also not prove to heal you. Yet deliberate action step by step will facilitate the healing you are looking for in life. Naturally healing is not a quick fix, magic solution it takes deliberate action of letting go what no longer serves you and stepping into new paradigms of hope, love, and truth. The body will heal only once the mind, body, and soul heal, not before. You can throw a mound of supplements at the problem, and it still won’t help relieve until you realize you are not the problem, You are not your collection of decisions, choices, failed attempts in life. You are not the sum of your failures, you are not your intellect, you are not your emotions, and you most certainly are not a man-made label known as a disease. You are a child of G-D and a beautiful light being able to heal yourself from anything and everything that you are presented with in life and I am here to help you. I have spent my entire life in study. I truly love what I do. I love the magic and the miracle of it. I love the serenity and peace of it. I love the witness of it. I love the beauty of it and most of all I love the people of it. When a patient has a breakthrough where a lifetime of suffering falls off of them that’s when I know I have done a good job. When a mother is able to finally let go of their child and allow them to be the image of G-D for them, then she finds peace. Let’s get real, the traditional model of run a lab and give a pill (even a natural one) doesn’t quite do it, but really being honest of what plagues, ails you keeps you up at night, now that is the magic to which we transform darkness into life and to create natural healing. I often say that healing the physical body is pretty easy it is the rest of the person that can prove challenging. People experience resistance, anger, hostility, longing, confusion, frustration, and all sorts of emotions during their process of healing until they are willing to trust their leader in the process. I am a leader in your process of healing if you so choose. I am incredibly gifted in this space and I was born to help facilitate people’s healing and I would be honored if you chose me as your guide and teacher in the process. Be well, be healthy, be happy, and be peaceful knowing that help is just a step away.
All information contained in this blog post is intended for informational and educational purposes only, and is neither intended nor suited to be a replacement or substitute for professional medical treatment nor for professional medical advice relative to a specific medical question or condition.