An arguable, but alarming statistic says 70% of attempts to change fail. The reasons for failure vary but include-

These, and a handful of other reasons, can lead to frustration and failure in pretty short order. Trying to change a poor behavior or start a new and better one is hard if you aren’t properly prepared for the shifts in attitude and actions needed to change. All change comes with growing pains, roadblocks, and a degree of difficulty. The key is to be aware and ready when they come.

Here are some great tips to help you stay in the top 30 % and make sure your changes stick.

1: Make Micro Changes –

Whether you are learning how to make positive changes in your life change to drop bad habits or shift to change and begin new ones, start small. Wide, sweeping changes can be nearly impossible to stick with since the shift can trigger an avalanche of problems. It’s much easier to shift your behavior in small ways and then build on them as time goes by. Make one small shift per week and add a new shift from there. This allows time to adjust to any hiccups that come up.

2: Celebrate the Small Wins-

Goals are great, but you shouldn’t wait until you achieve them to celebrate. Attempts to change fail when you forget to celebrate the wins along the way. How to make positive changes in your life every step you take towards change is symbolic and deserves to be positively reinforced to help keep you motivated and moving forward.

3: Plan to Fail-

Failing to plan is planning to fail, but there’s no way to ensure you won’t fail along the way. You may take two steps forward and three steps back for a while until you permanently implement changes. When you are learning how to make positive changes in your life it is best to allow yourself room for failure is important. If you knew everything you needed to know to make a change, you likely wouldn’t be in the spot you’re in, so be kind to yourself and plan to fail but never give up.

 4: Get Amnesia-

One of the reasons we fail is we compare our current attempts with past attempts and assume they will turn out the same way. When we learn how to make positive changes in our life, we look for evidence that supports the belief we can’t or won’t be able to make permanent shifting. Resist the urge to compare your attempts to other experiences you’ve had. If the time has gone by, you are likely older, wiser, and better equipped to make a change and whatever happened before isn’t guaranteed to happen again.

Most attempts at change fail, but they don’t have to. There’s a 30% chance that things will go well and you’ll achieve permanent shifting. Be mindful of your desire to shift and you will increase your success rate.

The reasons that 70% of attempts to change fail is based on 4 reasons



There are 5 stages of change…


Once a person reaches the action phase they are motivated and ready to begin change but if they try the same old patterns, habits, and behavior that got there nothing will work.

How to make a change. Unfortunately, we often can’t do it ourselves, even I have counsel.

Working with a holistic doctor provides structure, education, coaching, and accountability to help you through the process of shifting. Our practice provides a structured environment that has helped thousands of patients through the process of shifting.

There is a theoretical way that things can be done and then a practical way that things are done. Theoretically replacing your medications with supplements sounds good, but practically all you are doing is replacing a pharma for a supplement and still beign dependent on something outside of yourself.

Our goal is to support you, nourish you, and provide you with educational resources to help you achieve the results you are looking for…

Lastly, timing sometimes consults.. two years, come back and ready. To work with a holistic doctor of my caliber, a person must be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepared to invest time as well as resources into their care. Lowering the bar for the person never helps, instead, we offer a helping hand for those to step up for themselves. We teach you how to make positive changes in your life.

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