Have you ever thought “I don’t like myself”? Well, sure you have and, believe me, you’re not the only one. Low self esteem is something that plagues many people. Many people seek to find how to improve self esteem. 

There are many logical answers you can give yourself as an answer to the question. But, also, there are a lot of illogical questions and answers that can lead from that to help teach you how to improve self esteem and combat low self esteem. 

Let’s look at some of the main reasons one would ask themselves a question like that. 

Scientists and doctors have developed a three-point system for low self esteem and how to improve self esteem.

Why is this happening?

The first major reason for the occurrence of this question is the social pressure inflicted on our everyday decisions and actions. “Not following the rules” is one reason why someone would potentially have low self esteem as they do not feel a part of or that they belong, fitting into the status quo. 

Of course, this is a serious issue for people with low self esteem who cannot conform to a specific social rulebook. Things like properly talking, eating, walking, dressing, and etiquette can make a person feel alienated. This can lead to someone wanting to learn not only how to improve self esteem but how to feel as though they belong. 

Another side of this is not living up to one’s expectations. This could be portrayed in a family scenario, as well as in an educational facility scenario. Feelings of alienation and stress can contribute to this feeling. 

The second major reason is not following your heart and gut. This one is more or less connected to the expectations that are forced upon third social parties. How to improve self esteem includes feeling confident with one’s decision making. Low self esteem can be contributed to not feeling safe and secure with oneself.

Nevertheless, the effect that low self esteem has on your brain has its own function. 

Because you don’t listen to your heart nor gut, you often feel like you’re doing everything wrong which contributes to low self esteem. You disregard great accomplishments like they’re everyday chores.

You feel like nothing is worth the time or energy to start and finish. It’s like nothing makes sense.

The third reason is a mixture of the first two. You follow the signs that your heart and gut give you, but it’s contradictory to the rules of the socium. 

Obviously, this leaves you feeling like you’re bound and obligated to follow the rules, even though you know you shouldn’t.

After that, It’s just questioning the authenticity of your life. How to improve self esteem includes feeling safe, secure, and stable with all decision making. Having faith that you are making the right decision for yourself. Trusting that you are making positive decisions. 

Ok, now what?

It is definitely not easy to face yourself and admit you want to start liking yourself because face it, you feel it unnatural. Having low self esteem can contribute to this phenomenon. Asking yourself how to improve self esteem can be the first step in recovery. 

The sensation of not being a big fan of yours has been there for so long that you can’t comprehend a world in which you actually feel good in your skin.

But, there is hope, and here are five tips that could help with the transition to learn how to improve your self esteem and break free from low self esteem once and for all. 

Accept Failure 

Understand that failing is a natural and much-needed aspect of our lives. Without failing, you don’t learn how to get up and start again. Think and embrace your weaknesses. Failure is just a breakdown in performance and does not define your morality or character. This does not determine who you are as a person or impacts your self esteem unless you allow it. 

Bask in the audience

Sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy your accomplishments to learn how to improve self esteem. No one is going to do it for you, and you deserve to be acknowledged.

It doesn’t matter If they are accomplishments from a couple of years ago. 

Everything that makes you feel good is good for you which can help support your low self esteem.

Make fun of yourself

Stand in front of the mirror and just have a crack at it. There is an exercise where you go in front of the mirror every morning, and you make the goofiest smile or face that comes to you to improve your low self esteem. 

Don’t only mock yourself, compliment yourself. Maybe your hair today isn’t that bad, maybe you like your eyes or your smile. It can’t be all that bad, can It? How to improve your self esteem includes seeing yourself and loving yourself regardless of what you see. 

Go on a date with yourself

Spending quality time with yourself is crucial for building your low self esteem. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Have a great meal, drink good wine, go to the cinema by yourself – you deserve it. How to improve your self esteem includes treating yourself and loving yourself which means that you spend time with yourself. You learn to love yourself and support yourself. 

Comprehend that no one is perfect!

Take it easy on yourself and accept imperfection – Lower your standards towards yourself!

No one is as perfect as you think they are. Try not to adopt someone else’s lifestyle to improve yours – you are great just the way you are, and everything will be just fine. How to improve self esteem includes learning to accept yourself completely. When you accept yourself and love yourself, you accept your flaws. You learn to love yourself unconditionally. 

Final Thoughts

There are many reasons why you should like yourself and learn how to improve self esteem. You can get more done in less time, be more productive at work and school, make better decisions about your life goals, increase the likelihood of achieving success with no regrets… the list goes on! 

The next step? Just fall in love with yourself (literally) to improve self esteem. It doesn’t matter if other people do or not; just find something about yourself that makes you happy and focus on bringing out those qualities into your everyday routine. 

And then repeat after me – “I am enough.” 

Then, say it again until you believe it!

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9 Ways to Enhance Self-Love: Build Your Self Esteem

13 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem That Work Today

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