It is that time of year again, runny noses, flu bugs, viruses, coughs, and colds. I get asked many times with all the microbes flowing around, how do doctors keep from getting sick? I am exposed to all of them. I often teach my practice members how to get unsick fast in the event they do based on my experience of self healing. However, my immune system maintains itself and stays strong throughout all of the exposures because I have been consciously cultivating it for years. In fact, it becomes stronger because of the increased exposures. I do allow myself one big sickness every season to give my immune system some support.
I think before we look at how doctors keep from getting sick, let’s first review the immune system purpose. The purpose of the immune system is to recognize self versus non-self. Non-self are microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. These microorganisms challenge your immune system, and sometimes all at once. However, your immune system is strong enough to defend against these invaders. Getting sick does not mean your immune system is weak; in fact, it is the exact opposite; your immune system is well and healthy. It is stable and working. However, compromised immune systems can become riddled with infections and many people who get sick are desperate to know how to get unsick fast. Others who have little ones with little germs also like to know how do doctors keep from getting sick because like little kids are exposed to many of the seasonal germs.
Adopting healthy lifestyle habits help to develop a strong and capable immune system to create optimal body function. The majority of your immune system is housed in your digestive system. Having a compromised immune system means that your body has a diminished immune system, and it is not able to be able to protect against intruding microorganisms. A lot of times, it is as a result of too many challenges to the immune system already in place. Many conditions consume the body’s energy and can interfere with the body’s immune system proteins. There are many conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, blood disorders, cancer, as well as autoimmune diseases. Many medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, steroids, etc. can directly suppress the body’s natural ability to heal.
If you have any of these immune system challenges or your digestive system is compromised, it is important to be aware of the following steps to take care of your immune system to get unsick fast. These are the steps that I take as a doctor being exposed on a daily basis when I am asked how do doctors keep from getting sick.
- Fresh food – Eating fresh veggies, and fruits that are organic as well as foods that are domestically instead of foreign grown. Other countries have very different growing standards and cultivation standards, which can affect someone who is immune suppressed. Ensuring to adequately clean your vegetables, as well as cooking them thoroughly, can be helpful in ensuring that you are not contracting foodborne pathogens. I you want to know how to get unsick fast, first Look at your diet. If you eat sugar, you most certainly will get sick and stay sick.
- Homeoprophylaxis – is a natural way to enhance and support the immune system. Many common diseases are represented by homeopathic nosodes to include polio, measles, EBV, even tetanus, and MRSA. These tiny pellets are no longer than the original substance of these diseases but are the frequency of those conditions that have the potential to educate the immune system to be protected agais=nst exposures.
- Probiotics – Probiotics are microorganisms that cultivate the digestive tract and have immunoprotective properties. Various strains of probiotics are required within the digestive tract to ensure that the body is immunoprotective.
- Manage stress – Increased stress can affect the immune system in a negative way, especially consistent and persistent stress over a long period of time. Learning skills such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, devotions, prayer can all help support the body’s ability to manage the effects of stress.
- Nutrient Support – it may be necessary to support the nutrients that your body is not absorbed in the digestive tract. Ensuring we are getting enough vitamins, minerals in our diets are key while also supporting the bodies ability to heal itself
- Digestion! Digestion! Digestion! – Since most of your immune system is housed in the immune system, repairing the digestive system is key. Addressing diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, etc. is key to supporting the immune system.
Our immune system is truly amazing in its ability to defend our bodies silently and it has the capacity to heal if you know how to get unsick fast. When the body gets overburdened with immune system challenges, it develops an autoimmune state where it has a heightened awareness of itself. That is when the body begins to attack itself instead of attacking the intruder. This often happens when the body is overly toxic with chemicals, heavy metals, infections, etc. Once you get those items under control of the body, meaning you take the stresses off the body, the body will begin to stop attacking itself. I often see many acute sick cases as well as chronic ones.
I am so in tune with my body, I am able to typically tell them my body becomes infected with a bacteria, virus, etc. My feet get cold, for some they get a tickle in their throat, or their head gets cold, or they get itchy, etc. whichever it is, in that moment I decide if I want to give my immune system a workout or do I want to kill it. If I want to kill I often take homeopaths to knock it out quickly. This is how to get unsick fast. I also sleep a lot and sweat. If I sleep and sweat within the first couple fo days along with the homeopaths for my condition I tend to knock it out quickly. If you need additional support or targeted sick care treatment please call our office to schedule, this month we are offering a promo of $35 for any sick care visit with a complimentary flu prophylaxis.