5 Tips to aging gracefully and living a healthy lifestyle

Healthy aging is on the top of so many people’s mind. Often it is said that aging is not for the weak. Things sag, pain nags, and your body just doesn’t seem to want to cooperate. What is there to do to ensure that the body ages in a healthy manner. The following 5 tips will help you forget your age and stay healthy.

LAUGH… OFTEN! – As we begin to adult, we often become disconnected with the humor of being ourselves. How many times have you left a room and forget why you left the room or when you are looking all around for an object right in front of you. How many times have you lost your keys, or your phone? Many of us have so many things going on we are grateful our heads are still attached. Laughing at yourself, often and contagiously allows you to let go of the small things, and open up to living healthy.

If you can contract it….do it! The gym is not the only place for muscle contractions. In fact, anytime and anywhere tighten your booty, your legs, your tummy, and pretty much any muscle that will contract. Healthy anti aging lifestyle is contracting tiny muscles which will continue to build strength, tone, and of course build collagen and keep all of your body parts above the sage line.

Find balance. Life cannot only be about your kids, your work, and your relationship. Life is about living a full healthy life. If you get stuck in one area of your life, and put all of your energy in this one area the tendency is to neglect other areas. The other thing to consider is that if this area becomes disappointing there is nothing left in the area to fall back on. Disappointment can lead to grief and sorrow which weighs your energy down, that leads to premature aging.

Drink UP! Chronic dehydration can lead to the skin not being supple and full. The longer you stay dehydrated, the longer your skin stays nourished with the appearance of youth. Everyone requires half of their bodyweight in water to replenish the hydration within the cells of the body. Proper hydration can not only assist with healthy agin, but healthy bowels, energy, and natural detoxification.

BEWARE IF POTIONS. Everyone wants the magic anti-agin serum, yet truly it does not exist. Having an anti aging lifestyle is a better solution than chasing after the quick fix. The healthier you maintain as you are younger the better your body will age later on. Having a healthy lifestyle means eating healthy, drinking water, stressing less, and experiencing life from a place of joy. A healthy lifestyle is the long game, not the short game.

The sooner you begin a healthy lifestyle, the better. This will ensure that you maintain your health as you age. Otherwise, if you wait until the last minute you may or may not get the result you are looking for in terms of healthy aging. If you would like to begin the process of aging gracefully, our practice can help.