Welcome back to the coast live for another wellness minute with Dr. Erica Steele from holistic family practice Virginia Beach.
Incorporating vegetables into the diet can be challenging, especially for those people that are oftentimes will use a blender to be able to blend veggies into the diet so we can hide all of the vegetables from them. We also want to start with our sweet vegetables because those tend to be more appealing to the sweet vegetable subjects such as sweet potatoes, those sorts of things. Our root vegetables oftentimes are satisfying to those sweet palates. Using light organic sauces, such as ranch or BBQ can help tone down some of the bitter flavors of your broccoli as well as your asparagus. These healthy eating tips can help support even your pickiest of eaters to be able to incorporate more vegetables one step at a time.
Learn more healthy eating tips
One of the newest and most popular trends in natural living families in the past few years, plant-based diet transformation, has stirred up quite the discussion amongst health professionals.
A vegan diet is one that requires you to strip all and any animal products from your diet. This means no meat, dairy, eggs, or animal flavors of any kind. This also means avoiding the use of any animal-based products such as leather items such as furniture, shoes, etc. Pretty much anything that is made from animal products.