Over the years, aspects of public health measures have been used in the reduction of preventable conditions such as hygiene, antibiotics (natural or otherwise), and arguably vaccines. There has been a difference between naturopath and homeopath philosophies when it comes to vaccines. Traditional vaccines are a form of artificial immunity where the body comes in contact with a live virus, and the body produces antibodies within the system, so if it comes in contact with that disease, it already has the memory to fight it. Vaccines have been touted to have ended the fight against many diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, polio, etc. However, over the years, the number of vaccines has increased, and the body’s reaction to many additives within vaccines has also come under question. Although there has not been any definitive proof that has withstood public scrutiny, it is hard to ignore many mothers’ concerns over developmental delays after the use of vaccines. I think the greatest difference between naturopath and homeopath is the observation of the subtle actions form the patient. Homeopaths are often more in tune with the subtle changes in their patients whereas naturopath are trying more in the hard sciences. As both a homeopathic doctor as well as a naturopathic doctor I do not view it as homeopathic vs naturopathic but rather a blend of the two worlds, hard science with subtle energetic medicine.


Reviewing genetic data, we are beginning to have a greater understanding as to why some have a reaction while others do not. Genetic variants such as SOD, DHFR, and even MTHFR may provide us some clues as to why the body may not be capable of handling many of the additives found in vaccines. Mothers are experiencing even more complications within pregnancy as well as birth as a result of the ever-growing environmental toxins. In a landmark study performed by EWG, the umbilical cord of unborn babies was tested in 10 Americans and proved to have over 400 plus toxic agents supplying blood to not only the babies’ fetal tissue but also crossing the unprotected blood-brain barrier. Although this is speculative, it may be interesting to note why so many neurohormonal conditions such as autism, OCD, anxiety, etc. are popping up as a response to many of these toxic agents found within our systems. 

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann was a homeopath back in the 1800s who developed the concept of homeopathic nosodes. Nosodes are biological preparations used by homeopaths in the practice of disease prevention. Nosodes are derived from diseased tissues, and through a process of succession, serial dilutions no longer contain the original substance but the bioenergetic frequency behind that substance, whether it be a virus, bacteria, parasite, etc. Naturopaths may or may not use or believe in the principles of homeopathic treatments as they cannot be proven through traditional western medical means. This is another difference between naturopath and homeopath. Homeopaths deal in energetic frequencies and subtle energies. In the debate of homeopathic vs naturopathic there is now some convergence as energetic medicine is becoming more able to test and observe. Within the past few years, we have finally been able to view and see the bodies electromagnetic frequencies and quantum fields to understand their existence. This is still a relatively unexplored area of healthcare and has often been dismissed as quackery and disregarding in the medical community even as homeopathic doctor vs naturopathic doctor may or may not agree with many benefits of subtle energies.

Asian baby boy takes medicine syrup from a spoon. Sick child.

However, we know that everything in life generates a unique pattern and a unique frequency. Every organ, gland, meridian, emotion, and in this case, a pathogen has its own unique frequency. As Albert Einstein once said, everything is energy, and that’s all there is to it. This is not philosophy. This is physics. Bioenergetic screening tools such as Zyto and other quantum psychics devices are available to be able to read the bioenergetic frequencies of a human being with their subsequent imbalances. These imbalances often come before it even shows itself in the lab work or biochemistry of the individual. Homeopathic vs naturopathic can come together linking the bioenergetic form of healthcare with the scientific evidence based healthcare of naturopathic medicine. Much validity and ground have been gained in understanding bioenergetic healthcare, and as time goes on, new frontiers will be emerging in the understanding of these aspects of life. 

As of yet, homeopathic nosodes have not been traditionally studied within our standard western medical model of cohort studies; however, the effectiveness is beginning to gain ground which blends the difference between naturopath and homeopath. Organizations such as freeandhealthychildren.org lead by homeopath Kate Birch have developed more of an organized structure of researchers as well as homeopaths, such as myself, who are certified and trained in the use of homeopathic nosodes to educate the immune system. I am fascinated by this because I can see clearly the difference between naturopath and homeopath as I am both, which allows me to combine the tow worlds for the patients care. HP has been used on millions of people worldwide, especially those whose traditional vaccinations may not be indicated. Neurodevelopmental challenges, neurotransmitter imbalances, etc. may be the most vulnerable to the traditional vaccinations. Only organic acid testing, as well as full genetic testing, can determine the risk factors for sure. HP has been proven to be 96% effective based on many clinical studies, as shown here: https://www.homeopathycenter.org/news/homeoprophylaxis-human-records-studies-and-trials. Although, many critics of the more natural and holistic practice often attack and discredit many plausible studies citing that they are not strong enough to conclude findings. 

Even still, there is a growing political as well as public health concern about the safety of vaccines as well as the effectiveness of many natural immune system practices. Homeopathic doctor vs naturopathic may or may not have a definitive consensus accepting HP as of right now, however from personal experience I can say, my daughter, who is 15, is unvaccinated. She has never been on antibiotics and solely has been given homeopathy as a child. Even though she was born from C-Section, her immune system has been strong and resilient through her youth. She has never suffered from ear infections, colic, or skin conditions, etc. She is a healthy and vibrant young girl. I remember in undergraduate writing papers and one in particular on this topic I found interesting from my research. I found that 100% of vaccinated societies still suffered from outbreaks of measles, mumps, and rubella. In fact, the World Health Organization reports and agrees that the majority of people who get the disease have been vaccinated. No vaccine is 100% effective; most routine childhood vaccines are 85% – 95% effective, however, because every person is bio energetically, biochemically, and genetically individually, it is difficult to judge the effectiveness of each particular vaccine over another. 

Parents looking to offer their children away to educate their immune system without the use of vaccines do have the option of homeoprophylaxis, through the use of homeopathic nosodes. And can seek a provider such as myself who does not separate out homeopathic vs naturopathic but uses both of the beauties of the practice together. There is a distinct difference between naturopath and homeopath but when combined together makes for a comprehensive healthcare approach in holistic practice. Parents can not only educate their children’s immune systems naturally but can also work on supporting their immune system naturally through the use of diet, supplementation, and stress relief strategies. Even writing this, I know the emotional reaction, politically controversy, and the implications of these statements; however, I stand by my commitment to be objective. I have families that choose to vaccinate, and I have families that don’t. I have families that choose to use homeoprophylaxis, and I have families that don’t. I am neutral and objective and can only go off of data, facts, and conscious. If I am not 100% clear medically, scientifically, definitively through objective third party laboratory data assessing the individual seeking treatment, I am unable to provide a healthcare opinion. Statistically, data does not have much bearing on individual cases. Meaning because 100 people before the last person I saw did fine; that does not mean the 101 cases will do fine. I think that any healthcare decision is a deeply personal one and one that should be left up to the parent and their trusted healthcare provider. If we simply spent more time learning how the immune system worked and working to heal and support our immune systems, the incidence of fear from the various outside intruders would fade. My job as a healthcare provider is not to push an agenda but rather interpret the data as I see that pertains to the family and their unique bioenergetic, biochemical, and genetic findings. I like to think that I have found a balance between being homeopathic doctor vs naturopathic blending the two philosophies, ideas, and worlds as they fit so nicely together. They both fundamentally believe the body can heal itself and understand that there is a need for verifiable scientific data to provide or disprove results. I am neutral on the vaccine debate issue and see it from both perspectives. My family history had lots of neurological imbalances, and mental health challenges within it, and I wanted to raise my daughter as holistic as possible, which is why I chose what I chose for her, yet every family and every child is different. I think it is healthy to weigh out all of the options and make a smart, informed decision that meets your needs. 

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