Fixed VS Growth Mindset

We all intuitively recognize the importance of mindset. But do we understand growth mindset examples and fixed vs growth mindset. All of us can pinpoint certain moments or times in our lives where we repeat to ourselves that we have to believe that things can happen for us. Be it in life, relationships, business, and […]
How to Focus the Mind?

Humans are losing the power of focus by the day and it seems like in the coming years a mere few seconds of attention will be rated as quite an achievement! How to focus the mind in today’s environment is even more important and can be very difficult. However, you can learn about focusing the […]
Interesting Facts about the Brain

Being one of the most complex organs of the human body, the brain’s information we have is far less than the data we don’t possess. The following article is about not only how to improve the brain health but also some interesting facts about the brain. The anatomy and functions, while being heavily unknown as […]
Is Inflammation and Depression Linked?

Just a decade ago, the thought that inflammatory mechanisms might lead to the emergence of MDD (major depressive disorder) was so ground-breaking that it could endorse reviews. There is a link between inflammation and depression. Medline search turned up thirty-seven review articles that explicitly showed the links between immune-inflammatory variables and depression, or the therapy […]
Easy Psychological Hacks for Success

Psychological life hacks can add up flavor to your social life and give your communication skills an upgrade. Psychological hacks for success such as persuasion and social psychology can convince people to do something when they don’t want to. This is, however, not to be confused with manipulating. Whether it’s making someone spill their secrets, […]