Holistic Doctor Online - Holistic Family Practice VA

Subconscious Thoughts That Hijack Change

Conscious mind and subconscious mind

If change were easy, there wouldn’t be a billion-dollar self-help industry. Wanting to change and actually changing are often at odds. Sometimes we consciously avoid change while other times we subconsciously hijack our plans without even realizing it. We have three parts of our brain our conscious and subconscious mind, as well as primitive mind. […]

Our Lives Reflect Our Habits- The Effects of Accumulation

Steps to reach your goals

Do you collect things? A collection starts out with one or two items and builds over time. Whether it’s collecting t-shits or rocks, the more you add to your collection the larger it becomes. The accumulation of items expands and starts to represent you in a way. You become the guy or gal who loves […]

Why 70% Of Attempts to Change Fail and What You Can Do About It

Make changes

An arguable, but alarming statistic says 70% of attempts to change fail. The reasons for failure vary but include- Resistance to change Ineffective systems or processes Lack of support or resources Bad timing These, and a handful of other reasons, can lead to frustration and failure in pretty short order. Trying to change a poor […]

What Are Micro Habits and How Do They Make a Difference?

Micro Habits can help for better health

Micro habits to change your life are super small actions that require very little commitment. They are tied to goals which are much bigger, loftier end games and help make them possible. Imagine you have the goal to read more. If you don’t already have the time set aside for reading, it may seem like […]